Orangetown Museum Internship

May 2024 - present
Programs- Adobe Illustrator, Capcut
Skills- Social Media Manager/ Graphic Designer/ Exhibition update

Info on Museum

Orangetown Museum has two houses Salyer and Depew and takes care of both. Also has a history of the town and individual parts of the county. Their archives have artifacts that are over 250 years old. They have connections to the local history and area that helped shaped the United States like Camp Shanks and the ‘76 House.

I did many things around the museum for the technical side, including small updates to the website (did not make the website), making videos for social media (Instagram), and creating exhibitions online (prezi).

OHMA Houses

Saylers House

DePew House

Content from archives I used

Social Media posts

I started out with many many videos and images of the objects and items around to build and make sure to make the strongest post I could get. I would edit it on Capcut to edit the sounds and adjust the videos to make it easier to place into Instagram.

More to come!!! In progress for upcoming projects


HCIO - Socials