Redesign of Centro

Spring 2022
Interface development

What is Centro?

Centro is an app that helps people travel from place to place. This is the local bus system around the upstate New York area. Centro is very big in Oswego and allows the user to travel all over the town.

There are two main lines on campus that allow people to travel.  The app is something that people do not use often. They use the bus system more than the app itself. . There is an app Centro has and it is a little hard to understand by the architecture. The app poses challenges for every user, which can be described in bullet points below: 

  • Messy navigation 

  • Looking for a particular bus stop is challenging 

  • Planning a bus route is challenging

Design style of centro

Why did you choose this project?

I enjoy traveling, but sometimes in cold weather I don’t like walking. Every city that I’ve been to has a transportation app. This helps users in the long run. I also have been to events where the UX designers discussed the apps they made for transportation and how it was challenging for them.


Entertained Ezra

Ezra like to play video games, listen to music, and hang out in the dining halls. Likes to walk around the campus a lot. Is involved in many activities. They go to a lot of events and make sure to always keep up on the latest podcasts. They listen to music a lot while walking.

Tangible Tahani

Tahani really love science and teaching. She makes sure to always take the bus to be on time. Her favorite is to walk in the summers but in the winters she makes sure to take the bus. She does not like the cold and make sure to go everywhere on it.

Low fi

There were three low fi digital mock-ups made, eventually merging into one. Each mock-up looked at specific design elements that were thought of as useful:

  • Hamburger

  • Four buttons in the hamburger menu instead of six

  • Planning routes

Testing and how it works out

  • how the users see the product- looking at the testing with how they see stuff

    • The tests showed that people love to plan out things.

    • Subject appreciated visual aspects 

    • Using this concept and inspiration it was able to bring in the idea of searching for what is needed precisely

  • Trip Planner allows the user to select their bus route step-by-step. Using XD, the flow was able to be figured out easily- designed for the user to search for routes much easier. Instead of being all over the place, the user understands how to work with the app. It is clear and organized 


User experience with Centro:

As seen in the photo, the app looks simple but is complicated, and has many more steps of getting to one part of the app. The focus of the project was on the interactive live map, routes/lines, and front page.


people really liked to look stuff up through searching than actually searching through things.

Final Design




Accessibility with dyslexia